30 janv. 2011


 In order :

Tank Girls :

Lady GAGA :

Katy Perry :

Who is the most brillant?

Gareth Pugh

Article from "NUMERO", in french and english, about GARETH PUGH
Im sorry for the bad quality, but i haven't scanner....

More pictures about Gareth Pugh :

29 janv. 2011


Et dire que je détestait l'imprimé léopard il y à deux ans, maintenant j'en suis dingue! Mon plus lointain souvenir a propos de ce motif était une vieille prostituée aux lèvres botoxées et avec un manteau léopard! depuis cet imprimé me donnais des nausées jusqu'à que je tombe nez à nez devant un pantalon léopard, ce fut le coup de foudre, et depuis je me suis réconciliée avec! J'aime mixer plusieurs imprimés léopards différents, en gros j'aime être "too much"
En tous cas le léopard à été très à la mode cet hiver, on ne jure que par ça, le camel, la grosse maille et l'imprimé jacquard!
Pensez vous que cette tendance continuera?
Je sais déjà que cet été sera fluo, et surtout rose!!! Je ne suivrais sans doutes pas cette tendance, j'ai du mal avec le rose fluo... sauf par petites touches, nous verrons bien ce que les stylistes nous resservent!

And say that I hated the leopard print there two years, now I'm crazy! My oldest memory about this pattern was an old prostitute botoxées lips and with a leopard coat! since this form of nausea gave me until I came face to face with a leopard pants, it was love at first sight, and since I am reconciled! I like to mix many different leopard print, large I like to be "too much "
In any case, the leopard was very fashionable this winter, it swears by it, the camel, the chunky knit jacquard and printed!
Do you think this trend will continue?
I already know that this summer will be fluorescent, especially pink! I do not doubt it would follow that trend, I have trouble with bright pink ... except in small steps, we'll see what the designers rehashing!

27 janv. 2011

love that!


Im in love with this outfit! Thoses shoes are so HOT!

23 janv. 2011


Last week :

inspiration and icones!!!

Soo catwoman or Soo Lucas ... a punk singer from the 70's, i can't found her songs...

Siouxsie sioux, she make me think Catherine Ringer from  
The Rita Mitsouko, a french band ... my fav'

Siouxsie look like Catherine both physically as vocally!


I don't know this film, but i looove the style of this character!
She make me think Cyndi Lauper!!!! <3

 She is AMAZING!

And her style look like Boy George's!!!

His hair look like Strawberry Switchblade's

Looks like my hair there for two years.
I put ribbons in my hair while I still do not know what group or " "this is england" in which a character as ribbons in her hair! Rosamund Hanson


A few years after the film

Moi :

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