29 janv. 2012

fade to grey

Vest, my mother's / lumberjacks jacket bought on a garage sales / T-shirt Andrea crews / short, an old father's pants, Celio / tights Well / socks Dim / shoes Chanel bought on a garage sales (!!!!!!!)

Devenir gris!

26 janv. 2012

inspired by my Andrea crews t shirt!

Et voici le dessin que je faisais dans ce post :
And there is the drawing that I do on this post :

14 janv. 2012

Blue ... agaiiiin!

I want this!

Just perfect!!! *_*
clik here

12 janv. 2012

Inspiration steampunk

Coat, second hand (my mother's) /  sweater Jaqueline Riu / jacket bought in a freppery/ top second hand(my mother's) / skirt Desigual, a B-day present / tights second hand(my mother's / scarf, a little shop in alittle town / belt bought in a flea / Darcie boots Doc martens / goggles, handmade (with mecano)

11 janv. 2012


Et zou un post trèèèèèèès interressant!
Un post comme j'en vois souvent sur pas mal de blogs, et que finalement j'aime bien. Pas de tenue mais quelques détails et ma tronche, c'est tout.
A post veryyyyyyyyy interresting!
A post as I often see on many blogs, and finally I like it. Not outfit but a few details and my face,that's it.

Chez Etam y a des super culottes retro taille hautes!

vous verrez surement ce dessin un de ces 4 sur mon blog, quand la prof me l'auras rendu.
You will see this drawing later, when my teatcher has given me.

10 janv. 2012

Kelly Mittendorf

j’éprouve une étrange fascination pour son visage hors du commun! Elle a un put*** de charisme!!!
J'aime les modèles qui ont des visages "imparfaits" selon les critères actuels.
I feel a strange fascination for her face out of the ordinary! She has a fucking charisma!
I like models who have "imperfect" faces by today's standards .
 I love and I need her hairclip

Pictures fron The Fashion Spot
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